Saturday, June 13, 2009

From a syndicated news column by Donald Lambro as printed in the Martinsville(VA) Bulletin – Friday, June 12th.

Nearly five months into Barack Obama’s presidency, his stimulus program is failing to produce the jobs he promised. And voters are souring on his big-spending, deficit-driven policies.
A nationwide Rasmussen poll found that nearly half of Americans (45 %) want the administration to stop spending the remaining bulk of the $787 billion economic-stimulus fund – doubting that the money will create any new jobs. Just 36% want the spending to continue while 20% say they’re not sure.
With the unemployment rate spiraling up to 9.4% in May and this year’s budget deficit speeding well past 1.8 trillion, Americans are turning against Obama’s handling of the economy and the unprecedented rise in government spending.
Last week, the Gallup Poll said that, while 55% of their sampling approved of the way he (Obama)* was handling the economy, 42% disapproved – up sharply from 30% in February.
Americans are growing even more disgusted with the way Obama is dealing with the budget deficit – with 46% approving and48% disapproving. His numbers are worse on the issue of “controlling federal spending” – 45% approve but for the first time, a 51% majority disapproves.
These polling numbers were reinforced by a number of economists on the left and the right who say his infrastructure stimulus has been an abject failure from the beginning.
“Despite administration claims, the stimulus package has created or saved few jobs,” said University of Maryland economist Peter Morici. “The stimulus package was poorly conceived. Not enough is devoted to hard projects, and little of the spending will stimulate late permanent growth,” Morici said last week in his latest economic analysis.
The same view can be found at the conservative Hoover Institute on the Stanford University campus.
“The end of the recession is still months away but it is increasingly clear the stimulus package was a mistake. To date, it has had no identifiable beneficial impact on the economy,” Stanford economist John Cogan told me.

“More importantly*, its impact later this year and next will be decidedly negative because the funds required to finance the package’s spending will be drawn from private-sector resources that are needed to fuel the recovery. At this juncture, Congress would be wise to repeal the remainder of the program,” Cogan said.

That idea may be gaining support among Republicans on Capitol Hill whose “stop the spending” plea is resonating with millions of Americans angered by the Obama Democrats’ spending spree on make-work, “pork-barrel” projects that will enlarge the federal deficit but employ few workers.

Believe it or not, this is pretty much what I've been saying all along. I wholeheartedly believe the public's money would have been much better spent by giving a million dollars to each unemployed citizen back in February 2009.

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