Here are the salaries for our Congressional leaders: Speaker of the House-$223,500.00; the Majority and Minority Leaders of both the Senate and the House of Representatives earn $193,400.00; a “rank-and-file” member of both Houses of Congress earns $174,000.00 per year as of 2009 – that’s up from $165,00.00 in 2007. The median personal wealth for members of Congress GREW from $785,515.00 in 2008 to $911,510.00 in 2009. And they want a raise????
The 10 wealthiest members of Congress (all figures are as of 2010):
10. Dianne Feinstein – Senate (D-California) with a net personal wealth of between $46 million and $108.1 million
9. Jay Rockerfeller(Senate; D-West Virginia) - $100 million-plus (He is a HEIR to the Rockerfeller fortune so I KNOW his personal wealth is greater than this!)
8. Michael McCaul(House; R-Texas) - between $73.7 million and $201.5 million
7. Vern Buchanan(House; R-Florida) - “as much as $366.2 million”
6. Herb Kohl(Senate; D-Wisconsin) - between $89.4 million and $231.2 million
5. Jared Polis(House; D-Colorado) - between $36.7 and $285.1 million
4. Mark Warner(Senate; D-Virginia) - between $65.7 million and $283.1 million
3. John Kerry(Senate: D-Massachusetts) - between $182.8 million and $294.9 million
2. Jane Harman(House(D-California) - between $151.5 million and $435.4 million
1. Darell Issa(House; R-California) - between $156.1 million and $451.1 million
Is increasing their personal wealth the reason we sent these individuals to Washington? Or did we send them there to safeguard our freedoms and our liberty? If you feel that our lawmakers are abusing the power of their position, – well, I can’t tell you what to do but I KNOW what I’m going to do this November.
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