Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Biden says “guesses” on stimulus were inaccurate
Washington, DC – Vice-President Joe Biden said Sunday that “everyone guessed wrong” on the impact of the economic stimulus but he defended the administration’s spending designed to combat joblessness.
Biden said inaccuracies in unemployment predictions shouldn’t undercut the White House’s support of the $787-billion ecomnomic plan that has not met the expectations of President Obama’s team. Instead, the vice-president urged skeptics to look at teachers who kept their classroom assignments and police officers who kept their beats because of financial assistance from Washington. (These jobs were “saved” by the stimulus spending- not created!)
“The bottom line is that jobs are being created that would have not been there before,” Biden said. But they are not coming at the pace first estimated. (About what jobs is he talking? There haven’t been any jobs ANYWHERE of which I’m aware that have been CREATED by the stimulus spending!)
Just ten days before taking office, Obama’s top economic advisers released a report predicting unemployment would remain at 8% or below throughout this year if an economic stimulus plan won congressional approval. Yet the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment in May rose to 9.4%. (I guess that's what you get - electing a forensic debater president instead of an economist.)

- from an Assocatied Press wire report as printed in the Roanoke (VA) Times Monday, June 15th.

(Italics and parentheses are mine.)

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